For what’s new in the latest version of NEO Pro, please see our What’s New for full details.
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NEO will normally perform better if you start Outlook before NEO starts and if you keep Outlook running while NEO is running. Otherwise, some Outlook features and some add-ins such as anti-virus tools may not perform properly.
For those not using Outlook actively, this may seem to be a waste of memory. However, having Outlook running only minimally increases your memory usage over not having it running because when not running NEO must open and work with a hidden copy of Outlook anyway. Note that Outlook can be minimized, and that it can be moved to the tray when minimized (for Outlook versions supporting that feature).
If you know you don't use other Outlook add-ins or anti-virus programs that depend on Outlook, then feel free to use NEO without starting Outlook first.
This is the recommended approach. Enable the option to automatically start NEO when Outlook starts (see the Startup options on General Options), then always start NEO by starting Outlook (which will then automatically start NEO).
After Outlook has started (recommended), you can also start NEO manually as you would any application:
o Click NEO from Start | Programs.
o Double-click the NEO icon on your desktop
o Two special ways to start NEO:
o Hold down the Shift key when double-clicking (and holding it down while NEO starts) will start NEO without opening a catalog.
o Hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys when double-clicking (and holding it down until the confirmation appears) clears user interface settings such as Workspace Layout and Toolbar configurations, but not your Options or any catalog-related information (e.g., Correspondent names).
You can start NEO with a command line option to open up a specific catalog. For example, you could then open more than one catalog without having to choose from the File menu.
The best way to do this is to create a separate desktop shortcut:
1. Using Windows Explorer locate the program file for the NEO version you are running. This will be in the folder you installed NEO into (probably c:\Program Files\NEO ...) and will be NeoPro.exe.
2. Right-click drag the file onto your desktop. When you drop it choose Create Shortcuts Here.
3. Close Windows Explorer. Right-click the shortcut you just created, and choose Properties on the shortcut menu.
4. On the Shortcut tab, locate the Target box. It contains the path for the exe file. Put your cursor at the end of the field.
5. Press the SPACEBAR once to type a space after the path, and then type -o Catalog Name. Note that you must enter this at the end of the target field. A sample target might look like this "C:\Program Files\NEO Pro\NeoPro.exe" -o My Other Catalog . Note that the quotes are important.
6. Click OK.
Click Go to NEO on the Tools menu in Outlook, or click the NEO icon on the Outlook toolbar.
Locate your Windows Startup folder and copy the NEO desktop icon to it.
Note: If you want NEO messages to be automatically synchronized with your Outlook messages, you must always have NEO open when you have Outlook open.
Help is available from within NEO via:
Tool tips For a short description of toolbar commands and other command buttons, roll your mouse over the command. A tool tip will appear in about one second.
Questions Also available on the Help menu, Common Questions are answered.
Shortcuts Also available on the Help menu, it’s worth learning Keyboard Shortcuts for actions your perform often.
Symbols Familiarize yourself with the icons and symbols in the Reference section at the end of this document.
Help system Press F1 or watch for "more info" and Help buttons inside NEO.
If you are new to NEO, be sure to see all the items in the Getting Started section. After you have used NEO for a while, you may want to visit the Productivity Tips section.
Click Get Support on the Help menu.
Outside of your normal sending and receiving messages, here are the things you should bring into your daily workflow.
1. If you use
automatic Bulk Mail assignment (default
is ‘off’), clear out your Unsorted Bulk Mail
When automatic Bulk Mail assignment is ‘on’, NEO identifies new bulk mail
and puts it here. If you don't use the Correspondent filter to filter out Bulk
Mail it will also arrive in your Inbox and can be managed from there too.
However, if you do use the Correspondent filter, be sure to check this folder
daily because the filter will prevent this mail from appearing in your Inbox.
2. Empty your
Spam Senders folder
If you block spam senders, you need to go to your Spam Senders folder in Bulk
Mail view to view and empty it from time to time.
3. Empty your
Deleted Messages folder
When messages are deleted from NEO they go into the Deleted Items folder in
Outlook view.