Useful Links

Here are some excellent resources that you may find helpful.

PC Annoyances

PC Annoyances - by Steve Bass
In every PC user's life, there comes a time when desperate measures must be taken. Some push their PC off a pier or chuck it into a landfill. Others turn their former computing ally into a planter box. But don't give up yet--PC help is at hand. Just put down that hammer and pick up PC Annoyances.
The Slipstick Systems Outlook and Exchange Solutions Center provides utilities, how to's, code samples, discussions, chats, and other resources and other solutions for administrators, developers, and users working with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange.
Microsoft Exchange Resource Site is a leading resource site for Microsoft Exchange Server, updated daily with FAQ's, add-on software listings, tutorials, tips, how to's, books, message
boards, discussion lists and more!