About data logging in NEO

Topic T1139 Applies to NEO (Std) 3 and NEO Pro 3


NEO creates a number of log files which record system information, error and warning conditions, information about the Outlook / NEO environment and other important information. Some of these logs may be requested from a user by a NEO Support Specialist in order to gather information about a specific problem they report.


The log files are created and maintained in a separate log file directory stored separately for each version of NEO in the same directory path structure as the Catalog files. The following log files are maintained automatically by NEO:

ADDITIONAL There is no identifying information within the log files and the information is only used to diagnose problems users report. All of the above log files may be viewed and are available at any time to users internally in NEO by going to 'Help | View Log Files'. The basic logs are available from the NEO Log File Viewer drop-down selection menu, while the Additional log files are available by browsing the Log folder.

Last updated: 15 Feb 2005