Error: Various when Outlook cannot be started by NEO

Topic T1025 Applies to All NEO products


NEO uses an invisible copy of Outlook to perform operations such as opening, forwarding and replying to messages, and to run Outlook menu commands such as initiating send/receive. This copy of Outlook is started using Outlook’s automation interface.

If NEO cannot start Outlook using its automation interface, one of the following errors may be reported:

These problems are typically caused by a damaged Outlook installation, but may also be caused by:


Before trying the below check whether a reboot resolves the issue: switch off the machine, wait for 20 seconds then restart your system for a fresh reboot. If the problem is not resolved, continue with the below.
  1. See if the work around below solves the problem. It may be easier to adopt the work around than to repair the Outlook environment.

  2. Disable all other Outlook add-ins: Outlook Tools menu | Options | Other tab | Advanced Options | COM Add-Ins | uncheck the items. If this solves the problem, then re-enable one add-in at a time until the problem reappears. Note that Microsoft Backup for PSTs can cause these problems. You may want to consider disabling it first.

  3. Repair/reinstall Outlook. See Outlook Help menu | Detect and Repair, or see your Outlook documentation.

  4. Uninstall then reinstall Outlook fully as a last resort (note do not simply reinstall - you must uninstall Outlook first then reinstall it). Do not uninstall the Office package as a whole, just select Outlook to uninstall. This has a high success rate, particularly with 8007007E-01 and 8007045A-01. Your message stores (psts) and account data will not be lost when you uninstall. On reinstall you will be able to open both Outlook and NEO. The one drawback is that if you have applied patches to your Outlook since the initial install, they will need to be reapplied when Outlook is reinstalled. You can do this by going to Outlook/Help/Check for Updates.

Work Around

Some users have found that manually starting Outlook before NEO solves the problem.
  1. Open the NEO Options dialog. On the General tab, make sure that “Start NEO when Outlook starts” is unchecked.
  2. Close NEO.
  3. Close all visible copies of Outlook and all Outlook message windows.
  4. Check in the Processes tab of Task Manager whether the process OUTLOOK.EXE is running. If it is running, wait 10 seconds and then end the process.
  5. Start Outlook.
  6. After Outlook has started, start NEO.
If this solves the problem, in the future just remember to start Outlook before NEO. Make sure that “Fast synchronize on startup” is checked in the General tab of the NEO Options dialog, to make sure that NEO shows messages received by Outlook before NEO starts.

Last updated: 06 Feb 2006